(60*60) ) { verbose("IP $PROXY[external_ip] is ready for use $NL"); return 1; // more than an hour passed since 20th usage of this IP } else { $cd_sec=(60*60) - ($now - $req_20); verbose("IP $PROXY[external_ip] needs $cd_sec seconds cooldown, not ready for use yet $NL"); return 0; // the IP is overused, it can not be used for scraping without being detected by the search engine yet } } // return 1 if license is ready, otherwise 0 function get_license() { global $uid; global $pwd; global $LICENSE; global $NL; $res=proxy_api("hello"); // will fill $LICENSE $ip=""; if ($res <= 0) { verbose("API error: Proxy API connection failed (Error $res). trying again soon..$NL$NL"); return 0; } else { ($LICENSE['active']==1) ? $ready="active" : $ready="not active"; verbose("API success: License is $ready.$NL"); if ($LICENSE['active']==1) return 1; return 0; } return $LICENSE; } /* Delay (sleep) based on the license size to allow optimal scraping * * Warning! * Do NOT change the delay to be shorter than the specified delay. * When scraping Google you should never do more than 20 requests per hour per IP address * This function will create a delay based on your total IP addresses. * * Together with the IP management functions this will ensure that your IPs stay healthy (no wrong rankings) and undetected (no virus warnings, blacklists, captchas) * * Multithreading: * When multithreading you need to multiply the delay time ($d) by the number of threads */ function delay_time() { global $NL; global $LICENSE; $d=(3600*1000000/(((float)$LICENSE['total_ips'])*12)); verbose("Delay based on license size, please wait.. $NL"); usleep($d); } /* * Updates and stores the ip usage data object * Marks an IP as used and re-sorts the access array */ function mark_ip_usage() { global $PROXY; global $working_dir; global $NL; global $ip_usage_data; // usage data object as array if (!isset($ip_usage_data)) die("ERROR: Incorrect usage. check_ip_usage() needs to be called once before mark_ip_usage()!$NL"); $now=time(); $ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['ut_last-usage']=$now; // last time this IP was used if (!isset($ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['request-total'])) $ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['request-total']=0; $ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['request-total']++; // total number of requests made by this IP // shift fifo queue for ($req=19;$req>=1;$req--) { if (isset($ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['requests'][$req]['ut_google'])) { $ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['requests'][$req+1]['ut_google']=$ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['requests'][$req]['ut_google']; } } $ip_usage_data[$PROXY['external_ip']]['requests'][1]['ut_google']=$now; $serdata=serialize($ip_usage_data); file_put_contents($working_dir."/ipdata.obj",$serdata, LOCK_EX); } // access google based on parameters and return raw html or "0" in case of an error function scrape_serp_google($search_string,$page,$local_data) { global $ch; global $NL; global $PROXY; global $LICENSE; global $scrape_result; global $test_100_resultpage; global $filter; $scrape_result=""; $google_ip=$local_data['domain']; $hl=$local_data['lc']; if ($page == 0) { if ($test_100_resultpage) $url="http://$google_ip/search?q=$search_string&hl=$hl&ie=utf-8&as_qdr=all&aq=t&rls=org:mozilla:us:official&client=firefox&num=100&filter=$filter"; else $url="http://$google_ip/search?q=$search_string&hl=$hl&ie=utf-8&as_qdr=all&aq=t&rls=org:mozilla:us:official&client=firefox&num=10&filter=$filter"; } else { if ($test_100_resultpage) { $num=$page*100; $url="http://$google_ip/search?q=$search_string&hl=$hl&ie=utf-8&as_qdr=all&aq=t&rls=org:mozilla:us:official&client=firefox&start=$num&num=100&filter=$filter"; } else { $num=$page*10; $url="http://$google_ip/search?q=$search_string&hl=$hl&ie=utf-8&as_qdr=all&aq=t&rls=org:mozilla:us:official&client=firefox&start=$num&num=10&filter=$filter"; } } //verbose("Debug, Search URL: $url$NL"); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $htmdata = curl_exec ($ch); if (!$htmdata) { $error = curl_error($ch); $info = curl_getinfo($ch); echo "\tError scraping: $error [ $error ]$NL"; $scrape_result="SCRAPE_ERROR"; sleep (3); return ""; } else if (strlen($htmdata) < 20) { $scrape_result="SCRAPE_EMPTY_SERP"; sleep (3); return ""; } if (strstr($htmdata,"computer virus or spyware application")) { echo("Google blocked us, we need more proxies ! Make sure you did not damage the IP management functions. $NL"); $scrape_result="SCRAPE_DETECTED"; die(); } if (strstr($htmdata,"entire network is affected")) { echo("Google blocked us, we need more proxies ! Make sure you did not damage the IP management functions. $NL"); $scrape_result="SCRAPE_DETECTED"; die(); } if (strstr($htmdata,"http://www.download.com/Antivirus")) { echo("Google blocked us, we need more proxies ! Make sure you did not damage the IP management functions. $NL"); $scrape_result="SCRAPE_DETECTED"; die(); } if (strstr($htmdata,"/images/yellow_warning.gif")) { echo("Google blocked us, we need more proxies ! Make sure you did not damage the IP management functions. $NL"); $scrape_result="SCRAPE_DETECTED"; die(); } $scrape_result="SCRAPE_SUCCESS"; return $htmdata; } /* * Parser * This function will parse the Google html code and create the data array with ranking information * The variable $process_result will contain general information or warnings/errors */ require_once "simple_html_dom.php"; function process_raw_v2($data, $page) { global $process_result; // contains metainformation from the process_raw() function global $test_100_resultpage; global $NL; global $B; global $B_; $results=array(); $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load($data); /** @var $interest simple_html_dom_node */ $interest = $html->find('div#ires ol li.g'); echo "found interesting elements: ".count($interest)."\n"; $interest_num=0; foreach ($interest as $li) { $result = array('title'=>'undefined','host'=>'undefined','url'=>'undefined','desc'=>'undefined','type'=>'organic'); $interest_num ++; $h3 = $li->find('h3.r',0); if (!$h3) { continue; } $a = $h3->find('a',0); if (!$a) continue; $result['title'] = html_entity_decode($a->plaintext); $lnk = urldecode($a->href); if ($lnk) { preg_match('/.+(ht[^&]*).+/', $lnk, $m); if ($m[1]) { $result['url']=$m[1]; $tmp=parse_url($m[1]); $result['host']=$tmp['host']; } else { if (strstr($result['title'],'News')) $result['type']='news'; } } if ($result['type']=='organic') { $sp = $li->find('span.st',0); if ($sp) { $result['desc']=html_entity_decode($sp->plaintext); $sp->clear(); } } $h3->clear(); $a->clear(); $li->clear(); $results[]=$result; } $html->clear(); // Analyze if more results are available (next page) $next = 0; if (strstr($data, "Next")) { $next = 1; } else { if ($test_100_resultpage) { $needstart = ($page + 1) * 100; } else { $needstart = ($page + 1) * 10; } $findstr = "start=$needstart"; if (strstr($data, $findstr)) $next = 1; } $page++; if ($next) { $process_result = "PROCESS_SUCCESS_MORE"; // more data available } else { $process_result = "PROCESS_SUCCESS_LAST"; } // last page reached return $results; } function process_raw($htmdata,$page) // process the html and put results into $serp_data { global $process_result; // contains metainformation from the process_raw() function global $test_100_resultpage; global $NL; global $B; global $B_; $dom = new domDocument; $dom->strictErrorChecking = false; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true; @$dom->loadHTML($htmdata); $lists=$dom->getElementsByTagName('li'); $num=0; $results=array(); foreach ($lists as $list) { unset($ar);unset($divs);unset($div);unset($cont);unset($result);unset($tmp); $ar=dom2array_full($list); if (count($ar) < 2) { verbose("s"); continue; // skipping advertisements } if ((!isset($ar['class'])) || ($ar['class'] != 'g')) { verbose("x"); continue; // skipping non-search result entries } // adaption to new google layout if (isset($ar['div'][1])) $ar['div']=&$ar['div'][0]; if (isset($ar['div'][1])) $ar['div']=&$ar['div'][0]; //$ar=&$ar['div']['span']; // changes 2011 - Google changed layout //$ar=&$ar['div']; // changes 2011 - Google changed layout // change again, 2012-2013 $orig_ar=$ar; // 2012-2013 // adaption finished $divs=$list->getElementsByTagName('div'); $div=$divs->item(1); getContent($cont,$div); $num++; $result['title']=&$ar['h3']['a']['textContent']; $tmp=strstr(&$ar['h3']['a']['@attributes']['href'],"http"); $result['url']=$tmp; if (strstr(&$ar['h3']['a']['@attributes']['href'],"interstitial")) echo "!"; $tmp=parse_url(&$result['url']); $result['host']=&$tmp['host']; $desc=strstr($cont,""); // instead of using DOM the string is parsed traditional due to frequent layout changes by Google $desc=substr($desc,17); $desc=strip_tags($desc); $result['desc']=$desc; // 2012-2013 addon, might be extended with on request if (isset($ar['table']) && (strlen($result['title'] < 2))) // special mode - embedded video or similar { // if interesting the object can be parsed here $result['title']="embedded object"; $result['url']="embedded object"; } //echo "$B Result parsed:$B_ $result[title]$NL"; verbose("r"); flush(); $results[]=$result; // This adds the result to our large result array } verbose(" !$NL"); // Analyze if more results are available (next page) $next=0; $tables=$dom->getElementsByTagName('table'); if (strstr($htmdata,"Next")) $next=1; else { if ($test_100_resultpage) $needstart=($page+1)*100; else $needstart=($page+1)*10; $findstr="start=$needstart"; if (strstr($htmdata,$findstr)) $next=1; } $page++; if ($next) { $process_result="PROCESS_SUCCESS_MORE"; // more data available } else $process_result="PROCESS_SUCCESS_LAST"; // last page reached //var_dump($results); return $results; } function rotate_proxy() { global $PROXY; global $ch; global $NL; $max_errors=3; $success=0; while ($max_errors--) { $res=proxy_api("rotate"); // will fill $PROXY $ip=""; if ($res <= 0) { verbose("API error: Proxy API connection failed (Error $res). trying again soon..$NL$NL"); sleep(21); // retry after a while } else { verbose("API success: Received proxy IP $PROXY[external_ip] on port $PROXY[port]$NL"); $success=1; break; } } if ($success) { $ch=new_curl_session($ch); return 1; } else return "API rotation failed. Check license, firewall and API credentials.$NL"; } /* * This is the API function for $portal.seo-proxies.com, currently supporting the "rotate" command * On success it will define the $PROXY variable, adding the elements ready,address,port,external_ip and return 1 * On failure the return is <= 0 and the PROXY variable ready element is set to "0" */ function extractBody($response_str) { $parts = preg_split('|(?:\r?\n){2}|m', $response_str, 2); if (isset($parts[1])) return $parts[1]; return ''; } function proxy_api($cmd,$x="") { global $pwd; global $uid; global $PROXY; global $LICENSE; global $NL; global $portal; $fp = fsockopen("$portal.seo-proxies.com", 80); if (!$fp) { echo "Unable to connect to proxy API $NL"; return -1; // connection not possible } else { if ($cmd == "hello") { fwrite($fp, "GET /api.php?api=1&uid=$uid&pwd=$pwd&cmd=hello&extended=1 HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $portal.seo-proxies.com\r\nAccept: text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*;q=0.01\r\nAccept-Encoding: plain\r\nAccept-Language: en\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 8); $res=""; $n=0; while (!feof($fp)) { if ($n++ > 4) break; $res .= fread($fp, 8192); } $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { echo 'API: Connection timed out! $NL'; $LICENSE['active']=0; return -2; // api timeout } else { if (strlen($res) > 1000) return -3; // invalid api response (check the API website for possible problems) $data=extractBody($res); $ar=explode(":",$data); if (count($ar) < 4) return -100; // invalid api response switch ($ar[0]) { case "ERROR": echo "API Error: $res $NL"; $LICENSE['active']=0; return 0; // Error received break; case "HELLO": $LICENSE['max_ips']=$ar[1]; // number of IPs licensed $LICENSE['total_ips']=$ar[2]; // number of IPs assigned $LICENSE['protocol']=$ar[3]; // current proxy protocol (http, socks, vpn) $LICENSE['processes']=$ar[4]; // number of proxy processes if ($LICENSE['total_ips'] > 0) $LICENSE['active']=1; else $LICENSE['active']=0; return 1; break; default: echo "API Error: Received answer $ar[0], expected \"HELLO\""; $LICENSE['active']=0; return -101; // unknown API response } } } // cmd==hello if ($cmd == "rotate") { $PROXY['ready']=0; fwrite($fp, "GET /api.php?api=1&uid=$uid&pwd=$pwd&cmd=rotate&randomness=0&offset=0 HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $portal.seo-proxies.com\r\nAccept: text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*;q=0.01\r\nAccept-Encoding: plain\r\nAccept-Language: en\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 8); $res=""; $n=0; while (!feof($fp)) { if ($n++ > 4) break; $res .= fread($fp, 8192); } $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { echo 'API: Connection timed out! $NL'; return -2; // api timeout } else { if (strlen($res) > 1000) return -3; // invalid api response (check the API website for possible problems) $data=extractBody($res); $ar=explode(":",$data); if (count($ar) < 4) return -100; // invalid api response switch ($ar[0]) { case "ERROR": echo "API Error: $res $NL"; return 0; // Error received break; case "ROTATE": $PROXY['address']=$ar[1]; $PROXY['port']=$ar[2]; $PROXY['external_ip']=$ar[3]; $PROXY['ready']=1; usleep(250000); // additional time to avoid connecting during proxy bootup phase, to be 100% sure 1 second needs to be waited return 1; break; default: echo "API Error: Received answer $ar[0], expected \"ROTATE\""; return -101; // unknown API response } } } // cmd==rotate } } function dom2array($node) { $res = array(); if($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { $res = $node->nodeValue; } else { if($node->hasAttributes()) { $attributes = $node->attributes; if(!is_null($attributes)) { $res['@attributes'] = array(); foreach ($attributes as $index=>$attr) { $res['@attributes'][$attr->name] = $attr->value; } } } if($node->hasChildNodes()) { $children = $node->childNodes; for($i=0;$i<$children->length;$i++) { $child = $children->item($i); $res[$child->nodeName] = dom2array($child); } $res['textContent']=$node->textContent; } } return $res; } function getContent(&$NodeContent="",$nod) { $NodList=$nod->childNodes; for( $j=0 ; $j < $NodList->length; $j++ ) { $nod2=$NodList->item($j); $nodemane=$nod2->nodeName; $nodevalue=$nod2->nodeValue; if($nod2->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) $NodeContent .= $nodevalue; else { $NodeContent .= "<$nodemane "; $attAre=$nod2->attributes; foreach ($attAre as $value) $NodeContent .= "{$value->nodeName}='{$value->nodeValue}'" ; $NodeContent .= ">"; getContent($NodeContent,$nod2); $NodeContent .= ""; } } } function dom2array_full($node) { $result = array(); if($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { $result = $node->nodeValue; } else { if($node->hasAttributes()) { $attributes = $node->attributes; if((!is_null($attributes))&&(count($attributes))) foreach ($attributes as $index=>$attr) $result[$attr->name] = $attr->value; } if($node->hasChildNodes()) { $children = $node->childNodes; for($i=0;$i<$children->length;$i++) { $child = $children->item($i); if($child->nodeName != '#text') if(!isset($result[$child->nodeName])) $result[$child->nodeName] = dom2array($child); else { $aux = $result[$child->nodeName]; $result[$child->nodeName] = array( $aux ); $result[$child->nodeName][] = dom2array($child); } } } } return $result; } function getip() { global $PROXY; if (!$PROXY['ready']) return -1; // proxy not ready $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_URL,'http://squabbel.com/ipxx.php'); // this site will return the plain IP address, great for testing if a proxy is ready curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,10); curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,10); curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $curl_proxy = "$PROXY[address]:$PROXY[port]"; curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, $curl_proxy); $tested_ip=curl_exec($curl_handle); if(preg_match("^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}^", $tested_ip)) { curl_close($curl_handle); return $tested_ip; } else { $info = curl_getinfo($curl_handle); curl_close($curl_handle); return 0; // possible error would be a wrong authentication IP or a firewall } } function new_curl_session($ch=NULL) { global $PROXY; if ((!isset($PROXY['ready'])) || (!$PROXY['ready'])) return $ch; // proxy not ready if (isset($ch) && ($ch != NULL)) curl_close($ch); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1); $curl_proxy = "$PROXY[address]:$PROXY[port]"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $curl_proxy); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.6"); return $ch; } function rmkdir($path, $mode = 0755) { if (file_exists($path)) return 1; return @mkdir($path, $mode); } /* * For country&language specific searches */ function get_google_cc($cc,$lc) { global $pwd; global $uid; global $PROXY; global $LICENSE; global $NL; global $portal; $fp = fsockopen("$portal.seo-proxies.com", 80); if (!$fp) { echo "Unable to connect to google_cc API $NL"; return NULL; // connection not possible } else { fwrite($fp, "GET /g_api.php?api=1&uid=$uid&pwd=$pwd&cmd=google_cc&cc=$cc&lc=$lc HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $portal.seo-proxies.com\r\nAccept: text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*;q=0.01\r\nAccept-Encoding: plain\r\nAccept-Language: en\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 8); $res=""; $n=0; while (!feof($fp)) { if ($n++ > 4) break; $res .= fread($fp, 8192); } $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { echo 'API: Connection timed out! $NL'; return NULL; // api timeout } else { $data=extractBody($res); $obj=unserialize($data); if (isset($obj['error'])) echo $obj['error']."$NL"; if (isset($obj['info'])) echo $obj['info']."$NL"; return $obj['data']; if (strlen($data) < 4) return NULL; // invalid api response } } } ?>